Operations Committee

The Operations Committee is composed of the fire supervisors in charge of the fire program within each member agency. The Chair of the Operations Committee is a two (2) year term and rotates among the member agencies.

Goals and Objectives

Building Gear

Goal #1

Implement and direct Compact business under the direction of the Commission.


  • Establish administration guidelines and procedures for the Compact based on sound fiscal principles.
  • Provide direction to working teams.
  • Prepare an annual budget for Commissioners' review and approval.
  • Provide administrative guidance to the Executive Director.
  • Seek out grants and other supplemental funding sources.
Building Gear

Goal #2

Support each member agency, individually and as a Compact, in maintaining an effective forest fire control capability (preparedness).


  • Support each member agency, individually and as a Compact, in maintaining an effective forest fire control capability.
  • Share information and resources relative to wildland fire within and outside the Compact.
  • Support agency plans that incorporate the necessary methods and procedures for implementing mutual aid to other Compact agencies and shall be so written as to provide ready incorporation into a Compact Plan.
  • Provide leadership in the development and implementation of programs that recognizes the changing role of fire in forest resource management.
  • Implement and encourage continuing interagency level training programs designed to maintain and enhance the skills and efficiencies of forest fire control personnel.
  • Review and report, at least once every five (5) years, the Compact's ability to provide mutual aid and other wildland fire assistance to member agencies and other cooperators.
  • Keep member agencies apprised of the newest fire management techniques developed by other agencies, the federal or provincial governments and other organizations.
  • Serve as a forum for the exchange of information, emerging issues, developing technologies, organizational changes and other important activities that impact the member agencies.
Building Gear

Goal #3

Support member agencies in maintaining an effective fire prevention program.


  • Establish and maintain a Compact Wildland Fire Prevention Education Team.
  • Develop and utilize prevention materials prepared for Compact-wide use.
  • Provide Compact-wide training in fire prevention techniques
  • Provide continuing support for "Smokey Bear" and similar agency prevention campaigns.
  • Develop, acquire and implement new, innovative and effective wildland fire prevention programs for the member agencies and the Compact.
  • Define and develop the Compact role with respect to prescribed fire, (use, role, standards, etc).
Building Gear

Goal #4

Establish and maintain close liaison with other compacts and cooperating agencies.


  • Facilitate the free exchange of information between compacts and cooperating agencies.
  • Maintain a state of the art web site to meet members' needs.
  • Provide an Annual Report to other compacts.
  • Provide Compact representation for Regional and National working groups and committees.
Building Gear

Goal #5

Provide the means for member agencies and cooperating partners to manage fires that might be beyond the capabilities of their respective agency.


  • Establish and maintain a pool of at least 8 Complex Incident Management Course (CIMC) trained individuals that can function as a team.
  • Support and promote the development of ICS in the Compact Provinces.
  • Develop and maintain a resource inventory of equipment and human resources within the Compact.
  • Establish standard agreements for resource sharing between Compacts for both wildland and prescribed fire.
  • Provide effective mobilization of NE Fire Compact member wildland fire management resources, both within and outside the Compact.
Building Gear

Goal #6

Maintain a full complement of active commissioners who take an active and participatory role in Compact activities.


  • In addition to regularly scheduled Compact meetings, each Fire Supervisor shall meet annually with the other Commissioners of their agency to discuss Compact matters.
  • Commissioner vacancies will be filled as rapidly as possible.
  • New Commissioners will be provided a briefing package and other information concerning the Compact mission.
  • Commissioners will be provided timely information on Compact activities including training and executive meeting notices and ongoing and proposed program activities.
  • Each Fire Supervisor will provide an Annual Report on Compact activities to the Governor and the legislative body of their respective agency.


Reese Kerbow (BIA)

Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 828-736-0952
Office Phone: +1 615-564-6780

32 Drowning Bear St.
Bldg #32
P.O. Box 1959
Cherokee, NC 28719
United States

Thomas Trask (CT)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 860-424-3325
Mobile Phone: +1 860-543-9260

Forest Protection Supervisor
CT Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
United States

Brett Bachman (FDNY)


Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 917-488-4035
Mobile Phone: +1 516-721-2623

Ryan Hughes (GMNF)

Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 970-456-8268
Work Phone: +1 802-747-6740

Green Mountain/Finger Lakes National Forest
P.O. Box 220
Rutland, VT 05702
United States

Robby Gross (ME)

Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 207-712-8603
Mobile Phone: +1 207-227-4367

Dept. of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Maine Forest Service
18 Elkins Lane, Harlow Bldg, SHS #22
Augusta, ME 04333
United States

David Celino (MA)

Past Chair

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 508-326-2403

Dept. of Conservation and Recreation
Bureau of Forest Fire Control and Forestry
251 Causeway Street, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02114
United States

Troy Adams (NB)

Vice Chair

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 506-440-9332

Dept. of Energy and Resource Development
Forest Fire Management Section
1350 Reqent St.
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, NB E3C 2G6

Steven Sherman (NH)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 603-788-4157 ext. 312
Work Fax: +1 603-788-0956

NH Forest Protection Bureau
629 B Main Street
Lancaster, NH 03584
United States

Scott Jackson (NY)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 315-625-7261

New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation
1285 Fisher Ave.
Cortland, NY 13045
United States

Jeff Motty, RPF (NL)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 709-637-2404
Mobile Phone: +1 709-640-0087
Work Fax: +1 709-637-2403

Dept. of Fisheries and Land Resources
Forestry and Wildlife Branch
192 Wheeler's Road
P.O. Box 2006
Corner Brook, NL A2H 0J1

Thomas F. Brady (NFFPC)

Executive Director

Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 603-273-8477

Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Commission
7 Palomino Rd.
Gilford, NH 03249
United States

Eric Earle (NFFPC)

Deputy Executive Director

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 709-388-8888

1 Mountainview Rd
Massey Drive, NL A2H 7A7

Scott Tingley (NS)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 902-758-5250
Office Phone: +1 902-758-7230

Dept. of Natural Resources
Forest Protection
P.O. Box 130
Shubenacadie Hants CO, NS B0N 2H0

Mike K. Montigny (PE)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 902-368-4709
Mobile Phone: +1 902-314-9291

Dept. of Communities, Land, and Environment
Forests, Fish, and Wildlife Division
183 Upton Road
P.O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Sylvain Guitard (QC)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 418-871-3341
Work Fax: +1 418-874-2629

Aéroport International Jean-Lesage
715, 7e rue de l'Aéroport
Québec, QC G2G 2S7

Patrick MacMeekin (RI)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 401-595-1075

RIDEM Division of Forest Environment
260 Arcadia Road
Hope Valley, RI 02832
United States

Mike Pagoaga (USFWS)

Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 413-800-6517

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
300 Westgate Center Drive
Hadley, MA 01035
United States

Helene F. Hochholzer (USDA)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 860-861-7322

Cooperative Fire Specialist
Forest Service, Eastern Region, Fire and Aviation Management
626 East Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202
United States

Jordan Collier (NPS)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 765-913-0790

Dan Dillner (VT)

Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 802-777-3079

Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation
111 West Street
Essex Junction, VT 05452-4695
United States

Nick Jeros (WMNF)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 208-768-7034