The Audit Committee is composed of about 4-5 selected members of the Operations Committee and the Commission and reports to the Operations Committee and to the Commission. It is responsible for overseeing the accounting, grants, and financial transactions of the Compact. While certified public accountants would evaluate the finances for accepted practices, compliance with laws, and ensuring good checks and balances, the Audit Committee focuses more on legitimate and appropriate use of funds.
Audit Committee
The Compact Finance Audit Committee is tasked with reviewing Compact financial transactions as a supplement and enhancement to external audits by certified public accountants. It is responsible for overseeing the accounting, grants, and financial transactions of the Compact.

Although these other areas are also checked and of concern, the committee evaluates expenditures to ensure that the intent and purpose approved by the Commission is maintained. They work very closely with the Executive Director to oversee grant and general fund allocations and reserves. The Chair of this Working Team is a member of the Operations Committee.
Some of the committee's objectives are to ensure a fiscal separation of duties, maintain fiscal insurance, and maintain a continuity of operations. The Audit Committee also focuses on the use and tracking of federal and private grants so that auditing standards can be upheld.
Robby Gross (ME)
Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 207-712-8603
Mobile Phone: +1 207-227-4367
Dept. of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Maine Forest Service
18 Elkins Lane, Harlow Bldg, SHS #22
Augusta, ME 04333
United States
Patrick Hackley (NH)
Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 603-271-2214
Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources
Division of Forests and Lands
172 Pembroke Road
Concord, NH 03301
United States
Joe Zeglen (NY)
Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 518-588-7063
219 Sunnyside Road
Scotia, NY 12302
United States
Peter Beringer (NA-SPF)
Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 603-868-7699
Mobile Phone: +1 603-970-1338
Work Fax: +1 603-868-7604
State and Private Forestry
USDA Forest Service
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH 03824
United States
Thomas F. Brady (NFFPC)
Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 603-273-8477
Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Commission
7 Palomino Rd.
Gilford, NH 03249
United States
Eric Earle (NFFPC)
Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 709-388-8888
1 Mountainview Rd
Massey Drive, NL A2H 7A7
Charles Shaw (VT)
Work Email:
Private Email:
Work Phone: +1 802-483-2398
910 Markowski Rd.
Florence, VT 05763
United States