Resource Sharing

The Resource Sharing Working Team (RSWT) is a mix of wildland fire managers and aviation specialists from the member agencies. It's responsible for updating the Compact's Operations Manual. As part of this task, the RSWT strives to identify and resolve barriers to resource exchanges amongst the member agencies and with all other entities that may need or provide assistance.

Resource Sharing

The RSWT is a subset of and reports to the Operations Committee. It is responsible for formulating resource sharing plans and strategies. They work very closely with the Executive Director to oversee and manage their grant allocations and carry out their business. The Chair of this Working Team is a member of the Operations Committee.

The RSWT is responsible for updating the Compact's Operations Manual. As part of this task, the RSWT strives to identify and resolve barriers to resource exchanges amongst the member agencies and with all other entities that may need or provide assistance. To this end, the RSWT has funds to provide attendance at the annual Alliance of Forest Fire Compacts meeting which includes most all of the U.S. and Canada.

Resource Sharing

They have oversight of the Compact Incident Management Team development, maintenance, training, and deployment. The RSWT meets at least annually to review the year's resource exchange activities and handle any issues for the future. Any injuries and/or safety concerns are also addressed by the RSWT.

Since the NFFPC is an international entity, the RSWT is responsible to ensure that the border crossing between the U.S. and Canada is as seamless as possible during times of need. There is an annual meeting or discussion with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) every winter to stay informed of procedures and to ensure that crossings go smoothly.


Rick Schenk (CT)

IMT Liaison

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 860-295-9523
Work Fax: +1 860-344-2941

Division of Forestry
Eastern District Headquarters
209 Hebron Ave.
Marlborough, CT 06447
United States

Michael Kinnane (FDNY)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 646-770-5864

1937 Hendrickson Street
Brooklyn, NY 11234
United States

Tony Cole (NB)


Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 506-755-0168

Dept. of Energy and Resource Development
Forest Fire Management Section
1350 Regent St.
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, NB E3C 2G6

Steven Sherman (NH)

Past Chair

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 603-788-4157 ext. 312
Work Fax: +1 603-788-0956

NH Forest Protection Bureau
629 B Main Street
Lancaster, NH 03584
United States

Vacant (NL)

Thomas F. Brady (NFFPC)

Work Email:
Mobile Phone: +1 603-273-8477

Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Commission
7 Palomino Rd.
Gilford, NH 03249
United States

Eric Earle (NFFPC)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 709-388-8888

1 Mountainview Rd
Massey Drive, NL A2H 7A7

Sylvain Guitard (QC)

Work Email:
Work Phone: +1 418-871-3341
Work Fax: +1 418-874-2629

Aéroport International Jean-Lesage
715, 7e rue de l'Aéroport
Québec, QC G2G 2S7